Green IT


It is important to complete the information settings.

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By clicking on "Green IT Settings", you have the possibility to fill in different information:


  • Indicators per server: purchase date, depreciation, grey energy of the server (by default, automatically estimated by DC Scope), PUE, CO2 emission factor of the kWh, price of the kWh,
  • The minimum and maximum electrical consumption of servers,
  • The number and hardware characteristics of servers outside DC Scope (for calculating their energy and carbon footprint)


This is where you enter your office equipment:

  • PCs and monitors.
  • Printers.
  • Laptops.
  • Routers.
  • Smartphones and tablets.


  • You specify the server you wish to use for the optimization part

Note: if you do not specify anything, DC Scope will use the most efficient server.

Remove history

This option allows you to delete the history. This is useful if your GreenIT settings have been heavily modified.

Note: a new history will be started from the date of deletion.

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The Green IT module aims to provide key monitoring indicators (KPI) of the carbon impact of the infrastructure but also to provide action levers to reduce this impact.

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Quantis provided us with the CO2 emission factors for servers and office automation. For servers, the grey energy is calculated by taking into account the hardware characteristics, i.e. RAM capacity and CPU.

With DC Scope's Green IT tab, you are able to:

  • Track the evolution of the overall CO2 impact (grey energy and direct energy) of your server fleet.
  • Classify servers by energy efficiency.
  • Simulate changes to your server fleet.

And above all, you can visualise the progress of your actions:

  • Improvement of your PUE.
  • Less carbon-intensive energy contracts.
  • Increase the lifespan of your equipment.
  • Impact of replacing servers with lower consumption servers.
  • Stopping and or removing servers.
  • Reduction of the number of servers due to better utilisation (densification, ...).

The Greenit Analysis sub-menu is composed of three sub-tabs: Global, DC (DataCenter) and Desktop.


Maturity score. Carbon Footprint Evolution
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Maturity score: this score evolves according to various parameters to be filled in (PUE, CO2 emission coefficient, average age of the fleet, inventory of the desktop fleet). This score is intended to encourage organisations to enrich the data collected in order to be as close as possible to reality. Visualisation of the evolution of CO2 per month / per entity (datacenter, office automation).

DC (Datacenter)

This tab is filled in automatically, the complete CO2 impact is calculated taking into account :

  • the inventory of servers (ESXi) reported by DC Scope from VMware, as well as their direct electricity consumption (this consumption is the actual consumption of the servers, to which we assign a PUE coefficient and a CO2 emission factor, coefficients to be entered in the settings section),
  • the inventory outside the DC Scope, which is entered in the settings.
CO2 impact with breakdown Densification indicators Electricity consumption trend
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Server Efficiency Ranking

  • Sort servers by efficiency.
  • Identify under-utilised servers.
  • Sort according to server consumption, capacity and usage.
  • Notion of TEE (Theoretical Energy Efficiency).
  • E.g. A server with low consumption & well densified > very good CEE & close to its TEE.

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Optimisation proposals

DC Scope also proposes optimisation plans for the fleet, taking into account the efficiency of the various servers.

In this example, we propose replacing the least efficient servers with server 102 (the most efficient server), thereby reducing the number of servers from 98 to 80 (reduction in electricity consumption from 361,890 kWh to 305,699 kWh).

  • Reduction in power consumption.
  • Reduction in number of servers (grey energy).

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Decision support - Cost and CO2 simulator

For each server, a simulator allows you to compare the current cost of this server with a new server according to various configurable criteria. The objective is to identify the possible economic and/or ecological gains that could be made by replacing this server.

In this example, we propose to replace the server "SERVER_2" by a new server with different capacities (512 GB RAM instead of 224, lower power consumption, etc.): in this example, all the criteria are green (all in favour of changing this server).

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The evolution of the C02 equivalent emissions (CO2eq) of your office equipment (only grey energy is calculated here).

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In this tab, the CO2 impact depends directly on the data you enter in the settings ("desktop" part). These data are converted into CO2 equivalent by taking into account your fleet and the emission factors provided by Quantis.

Some reminders and definitions

Grey energyor embodied energy, is the amount of energy consumed during the life cycle of a material or product: production, extraction, transformation, manufacturing, transport, implementation, maintenance and finally recycling, with the notable exception of use.

PUE or Power Usage Effectiveness (is used to describe the energy efficiency of a data centre. It indicates the ratio between the total energy consumed by the entire data centre (including cooling, air treatment, UPS, etc.) and the part that is actually consumed by the IT systems that this centre operates (servers, storage, network) PUE = Total energy consumed by the data centre / Total energy consumed by the IT equipment


This screen gives you an indication of the carbon impact of actions taken on your infrastructure:

  • resizing of virtual machines
  • ratio of virtual machines switched off/on

The objective is to highlight the carbon emissions that can be avoided thanks to resizing (by avoiding buying physical servers) but also thanks to the good use of physical servers (the more virtual machines are turned on, the less grey energy is "wasted").

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Power Graph

The Power Graph sub-menu allows you to visualise the instantaneous power in Watt of the servers and/or virtual machines according to the the selected period.

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