

The first tab Server Information groups the hardware characteristics of the servers in a table as follows:

Item Description
Name: Name of server
Identifier: Unique identifier of the server
OS: Operating system
Model: Server model
THREAD#: Number of threads
CORE#: Core number
CPU Model: Model of the CPU
CPU#: Number of Cores in the server
CPU Freq: Frequency of the CPU in MHz
Ram Cap: Memory capacity of the server in MB
Power Min: Consumption in Watt of server with a minimal processor consumption
Power Max: Consumption in Watt of server with a maximum processor consumption

Some properties are not always available for all servers. In this case the value of the property will appear as Null



The second tab Server Consumption shows information about the server consumptions. Consumptions are recorded and stored in a DC Scope database. In order to facilitate the organization of consumptions, metrics are calculated over a period of analysis which can contain a large number of logs. This information is presented in a table as follows:

Item Description
Period Number of period
From Start data collection date
To End data collection date
Name Name of Server
Nb of values Number of logs of consumptions
CPU Consumption in % Avg Average CPU consumption in %
Min Minimum CPU consumption in %
Max Maximum CPU consumption in %
CPU \< 10 Percentage of logs of where the CPU consumption is less than 10%
CPU > 70 Percentage of logs of where the CPU consumption is more than 70%
RAM Consumption in % Avg Average RAM consumption in %
Min Minimum RAM consumption in %
Max Maximum RAM consumption in %
IO-Disk Consumption (MB/s) Avg Average disk consumption in MB/s
Min Minimum disk consumption in MB/s
Max Maximum disk consumption in MB/s
IO-Net Consumption (MB/s) Avg Average network consumption in MB/s
Min Minimum network consumption in MB/s
Max Maximum network consumption in MB/s

By clicking on the server name, the period of analysis for that server will zoom in. Using this feature, the user can look for events in smaller periods of time. The minimum period of time for the analysis is one hour. Some consumptions are not always available for all servers, in this case the value of the consumption will appear as Null.



General Information

This frame displays general information about the physical server as the model, operative system, etc. It is possible to ad notes to the server and that will be only available in DC Scope. The blue button Get VM List provides the list of the VMs hosted in the server as well as general information of the VMs (VCPU, RAM, OS and VMware tools).

Allocation of resources

This section allows to analyze the resources assigned to VMs based on the resources of the physical server. The red line identifies the value that must not be exceeded when provisioning or allocating resources to VMs. The overflow threshold is calculated according to the allocation over commitment parameters set in the Capacity Planning Settings. For more information please refer to the Capacity Planning Settings of this document.

Distribution of allocations

It shows the allocation of VCPU and VRAM among the number of virtual machines in the server. In the example, 3 virtual machines have a RAM allocation between 2GB and 4GB, while only 1 virtual machine have a RAM allocation between 8GB and 16GB.

Distribution of consumption

The first part of the frame compares the average consumption of CPU and RAM of the server under analysis with all the other servers. The second part of the frame presents the distribution of the maximum levels of CPU and RAM consumption observed by number of days.

In the example, from a total of 418 days of data, there were 233 days where the maximums levels of RAM consumption have been between 30% and 50% of the capacity of the server and 185 days where the maximums levels have been between 50% and 70%.

Evolution of resources

This frame shows the number of VMs that can be created in the server. The green circle represents the maximum number of VMs that can be created based on the average VM consumption. The blue circle represents the maximum number of VMs that can be created based on VMware best practices and the grey circle represents the maximum number of VMs that can be created according to the allocation over commitment parameters set in the Capacity Planning Settings.

According to the average consumption, DC Scope will calculate the saturation dates of CPU and RAM.


Ce cadre permet d’identifier la dégradation des ressources du serveur analysé. Pour la sémantique des couleurs et de l’inclinaison de la flèche se reporter à la section troubleshooting.

Chaque rond permet d’identifier rapidement le comportement CPU, Réseau et RAM du serveur sélectionné. En cliquant sur chacun d’entre eux, vous obtenez des informations détaillées sur la ou les ressources qui dépassent les seuils de bonnes pratiques.


Weekly Calendar View

Dans l’objectif de visualiser les taux de consommation hebdomadaire Moyenne – Max et Min des ressources CPU et RAM pour chaque élément. Cette vue graphique vous permet d’identifier les heures de pointe dans l’utilisation de ces ressources.
