
Name Description
Idle A machine dont les ressources utilisées par celle-ci révèlent une inactivité de la machine. Définition des seuils : Il s’agit de repérer une machine dont les ressources n’excèdent pas un certain seuil. Une machine est dite « Idle » pour une période donnée, si sur cette période : 100 % des valeurs de consommation des ressources processeur et mémoire vive sont inférieures à 2%/5%/10%;
Lazy machine ayant quelques pics d’activité, mais restant inactive la majorité du temps. Définition des seuils : Une machine est dite « Lazy » sur la ressource X (processeur ou mémoire vive) pour une période donnée, si sur cette période : 90 % des valeurs de consommation de la ressource X sont inférieures à 2%/5%/10% et que pendant les 10 % restant il y a au moins une valeur de consommation de la ressource X supérieure à 30 %.
Ghost machine éteinte. Définition des seuils : une machine est dite « Ghost » pour une période donnée, si sur cette période, la machine est éteinte sur au minimum la dernière heure de la période.
Undersized machine légèrement sous dimensionnée. Définition des seuils : une machine est dite « Undersized » pour une période donnée, si sur cette période, 100 % des valeurs de consommation des ressources processeur ou mémoire vive sont supérieures ou égales à 70 % .
Busy machine fortement sous dimensionnée. Définition des seuils : identique à « Undersized » avec un seuil supérieur ou égal à 90 %..
Oversized machine sur dimensionnée. Définition des seuils : une machine est dite « Oversized » pour une période donnée, si sur cette période, 100 % des valeurs de consommation des ressources processeur et mémoire vive sont inférieures ou égale à 30 %..


RAM resource

Metric Group RAM VMware Counter Notes Stats type Unit
RAM: usage X (capacity VM/ host capacity)
RAMINTRA: usage usage Memory usage as percentage of total configured or available memory, expressed as a hundredth of a percent (1 = 0.01%). A value between 0 and 10,000. Virtual machine: Percentage of configured virtual machine “physical” memory: active ÷ virtual machine configured size Host: Percentage of available machine memory:consumed ÷ machine-memory-size Cluster: memory usage:memory consumed + memory overhead. absolute percent
RAMCONSUMED: consumed consumed Amount of memory consumed by a virtual machine, host, or cluster. Virtual machine: Amount of guest physical memory consumed by the virtual machine for guest memory. Consumed memory does not include overhead memory. It includes shared memory and memory that might be reserved, but not actually used. Use this metric for charge-back purposes vm consumed memory = memory granted - memory saved due to memory sharing. - Host: Amount of machine memory used on the host. Consumed memory includes Includes memory used by the Service Console, the VMkernel, vSphere services, plus the total consumed metrics for all running virtual machines. host consumed memory = total host memory - free host memory Cluster: Amount of host machine memory used by all powered on virtual machines in the cluster. A cluster's consumed memory consists of virtual machine consumed memory and overhead memory. It does not include host-specific overhead memory, such as memory used by the service console or VMkernel. absolute kiloBytes
RAMACTIVE: active active Amount of memory that is actively used, as estimated by VMkernel based on recently touched memory pages. Virtual machine: Amount of guest “physical” memory actively used. Host: Sum of all active metrics for all powered-on virtual machines plus vSphere services (such as COS, vpxa) on the host. absolute kiloBytes
RAMOVERHEAD: overhead overhead Amount of machine memory allocated to a virtual machine beyond its reserved amount.Virtual machine: Amount of machine memory used by the VMkernel to run the virtual machine.Host: Total of all overhead metrics for powered-on virtual machines, plus the overhead of running vSphere services on the host. absolute kiloBytes
RAMGRANTED: granted granted Amount of machine memory or “physical” memory that is mapped for a virtual machine or a host. Virtual machine: Guest “physical” memory that is mapped to machine memory. Includes shared memory amount. Does not include overhead. Host: Sum of all granted metrics for all powered-on virtual machines, plus machine memory for vSphere services on the host. absolute kiloBytes
RAMCOMPRESSIONRATE: compressionRate compressionRate Rate of memory compression for the VM. rate kiloBytesPerSecond
RAMDECOMPRESSIONRATE: decompressionRate decompressionRate Rate of memory decompression for the virtual machine. rate kiloBytesPerSecond
RAMCOMPRESSED: compressed compressed Amount of memory compressed by ESX. absolute kiloBytes
RAMSWAPINRATE: swapinRate swapinRate Rate at which memory is swapped from disk into active memory during the interval. This counter applies to virtual machines and is generally more useful than the swapin counter to determine if the virtual machine is running slow due to swapping, especially when looking at real-time statistics. rate kiloBytesPerSecond
RAMSWAPOUTRATE: swapoutRate swapoutRate Rate at which memory is being swapped from active memory to disk during the current interval. This counter applies to virtual machines and is generally more useful than the swapout counter to determine if the virtual machine is running slow due to swapping, especially when looking at real-time statistics. rate kiloBytesPerSecond
RAMSHARED: shared shared Amount of guest memory that is shared with other virtual machines, relative to a single virtual machine or to all powered-on virtual machines on a host. Virtual machine: Amount of guest “physical” memory shared with other virtual machines (through the VMkernel’s transparent page-sharing mechanism, a RAM de-duplication technique). Includes amount of zero memory area. Host: Sum of all shared metrics for all powered-on virtual machines, plus amount for vSphere services on the host. The host's shared memory may be larger than the amount of machine memory if memory is overcommitted (the aggregate virtual machine configured memory is much greater than machine memory). The value of this statistic reflects how effective transparent page sharing and memory overcommitment are for saving machine memory. absolute kiloBytes
RAMSWAPPED: swapped swapped Current amount of guest physical memory swapped out to the virtual machine's swap file by the VMkernel. Swapped memory stays on disk until the virtual machine needs it. This statistic refers to VMkernel swapping and not to guest OS swapping. swapped = swapin + swapout absolute kiloBytes

CPU resource

Metric Group CPU VMware Counter Notes Stats type Unit
CPUMHZ: usagemhz usagemhz CPU usage, as measured in megahertz, during the interval. VM: Amount of actively used virtual CPU. This is the host's view of the CPU usage, not the guest operating system view. Host: Sum of the actively used CPU of all powered on virtual machines on a host. The maximum possible value is the frequency of the processors multiplied by the number of processors. For example, if you have a host with four 2GHz CPUs running a virtual machine that is using 4000MHz, the host is using two CPUs completely. 4000 / (4 x 2000) = 0.50 rate megaHertz
CPUUSED: used used Time accounted to the virtual machine. If a system service runs on behalf of this virtual machine, the time spent by that service (represented by cpu.system) should be charged to this virtual machine. If not, the time spent (represented by cpu.overlap) should not be charged against this virtual machine. delta millisecond
CPURUN: run run delta millisecond
CPUWAIT: wait wait CPU time spent in wait state. The wait total includes time spent the CPU Idle, CPU Swap Wait, and CPU I/O Wait states. delta millisecond
CPUINTRA: usage usage CPU usage as a percentage during the interval. VM: Amount of actively used virtual CPU, as a percentage of total available CPU. This is the host's view of the CPU usage, not the guest operating system view. It is the average CPU utilization over all available virtual CPUs in the virtual machine. For example, if a virtual machine with one virtual CPU is running on a host that has four physical CPUs and the CPU usage is 100%, the virtual machine is using one physical CPU completely.virtual CPU usage = usagemhz / (# of virtual CPUs x core frequency) Host - Actively used CPU of the host, as a percentage of the total available CPU. Active CPU is approximately equal to the ratio of the used CPU to the available CPU. available CPU = # of physical CPUs x clock rate 100% represents all CPUs on the host. For example, if a four-CPU host is running a virtual machine with two CPUs, and the usage is 50%, the host is using two CPUs completely. Cluster: Sum of actively used CPU of all virtual machines in the cluster, as a percentage of the total available CPU. CPU Usage = CPU usagemhz / effectivecpu rate percent
CPUREADY: ready ready Percentage of time that the virtual machine was ready, but could not get scheduled to run on the physical CPU. CPU ready time is dependent on the number of virtual machines on the host and their CPU loads. delta millisecond
CPUCOSTOP: costop costop delta millisecond
CPUIDLE: idle idle Total time that the CPU spent in an idle state (meaning that a virtual machine is not runnable). delta millisecond
CPUDEMAND: demand demand rate megaHertz
CPUMAXLTD: maxlimited maxlimited Time the virtual machine is ready to run, but does not run because it has reached its maximum CPU limit setting. delta millisecond
CPULATENCY: latency latency absolute percent
CPU: usage X (capacity VM/ host capacity)

DISK resource

Metric Group DISK VMware Counter Notes Stats type Unit
DISKREAD: read read Rate of reading data from the virtual disk. rate kiloBytesPerSecond
DISKCOMMANDABORTED: commandsAborted commandsAborted Number of SCSI commands aborted during the collection interval. delta number
IODISK: read+write totalReadLatency Average amount of time for a read operation from the virtual disk. Total latency = kernel latency + device latency. absolute millisecond
DISKLATENCYWRITE: totalWriteLatency totalWriteLatency Average amount of time for a write operation to the virtual disk. Total latency = kernel latency + device latency. absolute millisecond
DISKWRITE: write write Rate of writing data from the virtual disk. rate kiloBytesPerSecond
DISKCOMMANDAVG: commandsAveraged

NET resource

Metric Group NET VMware Counter Notes Stats type Unit
NETDROPPEDRX: droppedRx droppedRx Number of receive packets dropped during the collection interval. delta number
NETDROPPEDTX: droppedTx droppedTx Number of transmit packets dropped during the collection interval. delta number
IONET: received+transmitted received Average rate at which data was received during the interval. This represents the bandwidth of the network. - VM: The rate at which data is received across the virtual machine's vNIC (virtual network interface controller). Host: The rate at which data is received across each physical NIC instance on the host. rate kiloBytesPerSecond
NETRECEIVED: received received Average rate at which data was received during the interval. This represents the bandwidth of the network. VM: The rate at which data is received across the virtual machine's vNIC (virtual network interface controller).Host: The rate at which data is received across each physical NIC instance on the host. rate kiloBytesPerSecond
NETTRANSMITTED: transmitted transmitted Average rate at which data was transmitted during the interval. This represents the bandwidth of the network. VM: The rate at which data is transmitted across the virtual machine's vNIC (virtual network interface controller). Host: The rate at which data is transmitted across each physical NIC instance on the host. rate kiloBytesPerSecond


Metric Group Other VMware Counter Notes Stats type Unit
HEARTBEAT: heartbeat heartbeat Number of heartbeats issued per virtual machine during the interval. delta number
POWER: power power Current power usage. absolute watt
VMMEMCTLTARGET: vmmemctltarget vmmemctltarget Target value set by VMkernal for the virtual machine’s memory balloon size. In conjunction with vmmemctl metric, this metric is used by VMkernel to inflate and deflate the balloon for a virtual machine, as follows: -If vmmemctltarget > vmmemctl, VMkernel can inflate the balloon and make machine memory currently consumed by the virtual machine available to other virtual machines on the host. (Size of vmmemctl increases as balloon inflates.) - If vmmemctltarget \< vmmemctl, VMkernel deflates balloon so that virtual machine can consume more memory, when needed. (Size of vmmemctl decreases as balloon deflates.) absolute kiloBytes
VMMEMCTL: vmmemctl vmmemctl Amount of memory allocated by the virtual machine memory control driver (vmmemctl), which is installed with VMware Tools. It is a VMware exclusive memory-management driver that controls ballooning. Virtual machine: Amount of guest physical memory that is currently reclaimed from the virtual machine through ballooning. This is the amount of guest physical memory that has been allocated and pinned by the balloon driver.Host: The sum of all vmmemctl values for all powered-on virtual machines, plus vSphere services on the host. If the balloon target value is greater than the balloon value, the VMkernel inflates the balloon, causing more virtual machine memory to be reclaimed. If the balloon target value is less than the balloon value, the VMkernel deflates the balloon, which allows the virtual machine to consume additional memory if needed. Virtual machines initiate memory reallocation. Therefore, it is possible to have a balloon target value of 0 and balloon value greater than 0. absolute kiloBytes